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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Myth the Highest Form of Story Telling

Because myth is (in my opinion) the highest form of story telling it also needs to considered when change is initiated. All change lead to cultural change (they way we do things here), especially in transformation change should we therefore consider contexts, which are reflected in the symbols, rituals and stories relevant to the organization, community and eventually society.

Maybe the deciphering of context, and creation of new context is the first task of the change leader.

Devutt illustrates this wonderfully in the video. Here are two quotes to captivate your attention:

"If you understand the difference between 'the world' and 'my world,' you understand the difference between logos and mythos. 'The world' is objective, logical, universal, factual, scientific. 'My world' is subjective. It's emotional. It's personal. It's perceptions, thoughts, feelings, dreams. It is the belief system that we carry. It's the myth that we live in"

"Depending on the context, depending on the outcome, choose your paradigm. You see, because both the paradigms are human constructions. They are cultural creations, not natural phenomena. And so the next time you meet someone, a stranger, one request: Understand that you live in the subjective truth, and so does he. Understand it. And when you understand it you will discover something spectacular. You will discover that within infinite myths lies the eternal truth. Who sees it all? Varuna has but a thousand eyes. Indra, a hundred. You and I, only two. Thank you. Namaste"

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